Sangria Sans Alcohol
2 cups boiling water
2 black tea bags (or 2 teaspoons loose-leaf tea in an infuser; decaf tea is fine)
2 cinnamon sticks
1/2 cup sugar (or honey)
3 cups pomegranate juice
1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
1 medium orange, sliced into thin rounds
1 medium lemon, sliced into thin rounds
1 medium lime, sliced into thin rounds
1 medium apple, cored and cut into 1/2-inch chunks
2-4 medium strawberries, sliced into thin rounds
3 cups carbonated water
Pour the boiling water over tea bags and cinnamon sticks and steep for 5 minutes. Discard tea bags and stir in sugar to dissolve. In a large jar or pitcher, combine tea, cinnamon sticks, pomegranate juice, orange juice, orange, lemon, lime, and apple. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour (preferably overnight). Just before serving, stir in carbonated water. Serve in glasses over ice.
Rosemary Blueberry Fizz
7-8 Blueberries
1 Rosemary sprig, stripped
1 oz Honey syrup
1 oz Fresh lemon juice, strained
4 oz Sparkling mineral water
Gently muddle blueberries, rosemary leaves, and honey syrup in the bottom of a cocktail shaker. Add lemon juice and shake, covered, with ice vigorously for 10 seconds. Strain through a mesh strainer into a tall glass of fresh ice. Top with sparkling water and stir to incorporate. Garnish with additional blueberries and rosemary.
Strawberry Chamomile Mocktini
Drinking less doesn't mean you have to bore your taste buds! Take time to make yourself something special every once in a while. Today I'm trying out this refreshing mhocktini!
1 oz Elderflower Cordial
½ oz Simple Syrup
½ oz Ginger Base
4 oz Chamomile
1 Strawberry
5 Mint leaves
Orange and lemon wedge
Muddle strawberry with simple syrup and ginger base. Add the elderflower and chamomile and five mint leaves along with the orange and lemon wedge. Add ice and shake before straining into a cocktail coupe.
Supercharge September - Let's Do This
Can you believe it's September 1 tomorrow!?!?
For the past two years since launching my business, I've held some variation of a "supercharge September" initiative. Usually, it has been discounted and shorter opportunities to work with me 1-1.
But since my 1-1 roster is still full (I will have a couple of spots opening up later in September, more on that below) - I've decided to try something new this year! This September, I'll be leading a 21-day Supercharge September Challenge.
It's FREE for our community members and starts on September 5th. If you're already a part of our super secret and supportive Facebook community, then you don't need to do a thing.
If you'd like to join, reply to this email and let know why you'd like to supercharge September and what you hope to get out of this challenge.
This will be an opportunity to:
- set clear intentions for September and the rest of the year
- redefine your relationship to alcohol with the support of like-minded women (whatever that looks like to you, you can try a sober September or try moderation - it's totally up to you!!
- get on track with daily habits such as a solid morning and evening routine, a new nutrition plan, better sleep, etc
- meet and share with amazing women - listen to livestreams on relevant topics
- participate in a kick-off webinar Tuesday, September 6th with a Q&A
- and much more!!
Again, all of this is FREE!!
All you need to do is reply to this email and tell me why you want to participate (after all, it all starts with getting clarity on your intentions) and you'll be added to the group.
If you know that you'd also like 1-1 support to create powerful change, I do have a few spots opening up in September. Here's what Eileen said after just 2 months of coaching with me:
"I am really enjoying working with you. You are making me see things in my own behavior that no one else has been able to. I feel less a lot less guilt, too. Your approach about being kinder to myself has been a big win for me. I've noticed my confidence growing and actually WANTING to spend time doing healthier things vs. feeling like I CAN'T drink. It's been a much more positive spin and I don't feel rebellious at all, like I did before. I think I've done everything everyone else thought I should do for my whole life, and now I'm making my own choices. By doing this, I feel much less like I want to escape."
As you know, I love love looooooove my work with 1-1 clients. I wish I could work with EVERYONE who wants this kind of support however, because of the time and energy required to fully show up and help someone make such a massive change in their lives, I can only accept a small number of private clients at a time.
If you are interested in working with me before the New Year, I would encourage you to set up a time to chat to see if it's a good fit for you. Once the 2 spots available are filled, I will not be accepting new clients until next year.
Now there's no excuse to make this month and the rest of the year amazing!!
Don't forget to let me know if you want to join the September Challenge or set up a strategy session to see if we're a good fit for 1-1 work together.

Super Simple Strategies For Moderation
How are you? I spend a lot of time talking about mindset and the internal work necessary to redefine your relationship to alcohol over the long term.
Yet sometimes, it's the simple strategies that really help in the moment or when planning an evening out. I've had a few clients have "aha" moments recently when we discussed simple strategies that they could use to cut back on alcohol.
Here are some of the tips that are often overlooked but are great ways to cut back.
Half it: It might seem obvious but pouring less alcohol and sipping it at the same pace you would if you were drinking a whole serving. Pouring half glasses can also help trick your mind into thinking that you are drinking more ie 3 half glasses vs 1.5 glasses. The main thing here is to make sure you are keeping track, and set an intention just as you would normally do. If you are in a situation where you may have alcohol poured for you, it's important to speak up about serving size.
Add water/ice: Adding sparkling water, plain water and/or lots of ice can help dilute alcohol. I remember when I lived in Cambodia and it was common there to put ice cubes in white wine or beer. At first I couldn't believe it, but then I came to like it. It was refreshing and certainly slowed down the rate I was consuming those drinks. In Mexico, even red wine is served chilled. Fruit juice, iced herbal teas, fruit, sparkling water, and/or ice can be added to make a light and healthier sangria type drink. The key is not to drink MORE of these (because they may go down easier!) and stick to your intended number of drink.
Alternate: But not just with water, which can feel boring and less enticing. Order a delicious mocktail or have flavoured sparkling water on hand. Make mocktails to bring to BBQs or parties. A friend of mine came over for dinner the other night and she brought both kombucha and white wine. The kombucha was so delicious and satisfying that I barely thought about the wine. Try drinking your alternative AT THE SAME time, and try new flavour pairings. Play with it!

If you haven't yet read Drink Less Be More, there are two whole chapters on strategies.
I'd love to hear which one is your favourite or if you have another that I haven't mentioned yet.
I hope you have a beautiful weekend,

Beat The Heat
The option of summer holiday day drinking often means that you might have more hours in the day in which your intentions could slide down a slippery, boozy slope into oblivion.
Whether you are celebrating Canada Day or Independence Day or the beginning of “Dry July” for our Australian counterparts (has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? I’m kind of surprised it hasn’t caught on here yet) the following tips can help you stick to your intentions.
It is so important to plan ahead and make sure that you are making decision using your evolved brain (focusing on the benefits of moderation and how wonderful you will feel the next day) and not your primal instant-gratification-seeking brain.
Know how many drinks you're going to drink and plan in advance.
You can even program them into your phone to help remind you of when it's time for your next drink. I know this might feel like overkill at times, but what's more of a buzzkill - having a little message pop up on your phone helping you to stay true to your intentions, or blacking out, not remembering the end of the day, and dealing with a killer hangover the next?
Check out my 5 Tips for Staying Cool During Hot Summer Celebrations (and please share this with your friends - there’s a cool graphic you can download and share easily)
Delicious Mocktails To Sip All Summer (With Health Benefits You Won't Believe) for great alternatives to alcohol - recipes included!! I recommend having the ingredients for these on-hand so that you have something yummy to sip on in-between their alcoholic counterparts. The idea is to create something so satisfying you’ll forget you aren’t drinking alcohol.
I'd love to hear what your favourite tips are AND if you have a mocktail recipe you'd like me to feature, that would be amazing!!
Stay tuned for some really exciting announcements coming next week!! (think invitations to exotic locations in Canada and Mexico)
Have a wonderful weekend,

Corporate Queen
Yesterday was the last class of the Drink Less Be More Masterclass (my new, signature group program - don't worry if you missed it, it will be offered again in September!)
We spent a good portion of the class talking about the idea of PERMISSION.
For many of us, we use alcohol to give ourselves permission.
Permission to relax, do nothing, be playful, indulge, forget out responsibilities for the evening, turn off our busy brains, enjoy, be naughty, prioritize pleasure... you fill in the blank.
I used to feel guilty taking time off, reading trashy magazines just because, watching something that wasn't educational or focused on self-development, eat carbs or fat (this was before I learned that neither of these things are evil). I used to push myself so hard that I needed to literally black out or lose myself to alcohol to turn off or unwind, or I'd go home to visit my family and fall over sick and burnt out.
A large part of learning to redefine your relationship to alcohol and Drink Less in the long-term is learning how to give yourself permission to __________ (again, you fill in the blank) WITHOUT alcohol!
This is such an important topic and one that I was so grateful to have the opportunity to discuss with Meg Sullivan, of Whole Foods Love. The interview is part of an online summit called Slim and Chic Corporate Queen - and the themes we covered are so relevant to everyone who is a part of this community (whether you are in corporate or not)!
We also talked about:
- How prevalent is it that women drink to wind down
- Making the mental shift to take care of ourselves
- The physiological side of alcohol and the effects that it has on the body
- Strategies for accountability with this sensitive subject
The interview airs this Sunday, June 5th! Make sure to sign up here to be able to listen. You will also have access to 25+ other experts as part of this virtual summit who sharing their wisdom and experience to support women like you to reach their health and wellness goals.

Discover tips, tricks and strategies that will show you how to:
Drop those extra 20 lbs you’ve been wanting to lose for as long as you can remember.
Survive the unpredictable ups and downs of corporate life and still stay happily on track with your life and health goals.
Improve the quality of your sleep so you wake feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day each morning.
Make the best food choice possible, whatever situation you find yourself in.
Carve much needed time out of your schedule for your own self-care.
Create space in your life for things you love doing “just because”.
It is so important for me to see women THRIVE in ALL aspects of their lives, not only by redefining their relationship to alcohol. That is why I am so honoured to have been included in this summit and that I have these tickets to share with you so that you can holistically make changes to your lifestyle while also continuing to get a handle on the alcohol.
Make sure to sign up asap so that you don't miss this weekend's interview. I also want to know - what is one way (in addition to signing up for this summit and listening to the value-packed interviews) that you can give yourself permission (without needing alcohol to do so) this weekend? Make sure to reply to this email and let me know. Why? Because I really do want to know! AND writing it out is a good first step for making it a reality!
Leading Greatly Podcast, Live Tv, Memorial Day Mocktails
A lot happening over here at the Drink Less Be More HQ!! I've just arrived back to Mexico after a whirlwind media tour of the North East. I definitely packed more onto my plate than I probably "should" have (trying to take advantage of the week away - and there will be most exciting updates coming soon!) though unfortunately I over-extended myself and got sick somewhere between NYC and Pittsburgh.
Thankfully, I am surrounded by the most amazing healers and coaches who took great care of me along the way. I am also so much better at taking care of myself! What would have surely turned into a lung infection and knocked me out in the past passed in only a few days with the help of extra sleep, oregano oil, zinc, tons of vitamins and fresh juices, and oodles of self-love and compassion.
I wanted to share several highlights from last week with you - for your listening, viewing, reading and tasting pleasure! Below you will find my most recent article on Mind Body Green with some of my favourite summer cocktails and a podcast interview with the wonderful ladies at Leading Greatly.
Here is the clip from my live morning television appearance talking about Drink Less Be More and alternatives to alcohol. Enjoy!!


5 ways to make "wet" February work for you
Where I come from on the West Coast of Canada, February is one of the wettest months.
The days are still too short, darkness encroaches too quickly, the sky is more often overcast and grey than not.
The combination of two SADs (Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Standard American Diet) can create a powerfully destructive force in the middle of winter.
It’s no surprise that the momentum of New Year’s resolutions and intentions can get lost and the temptation to seek sweet alcohol-fuelled relief becomes stronger.
The resolve you felt during your Dry January or enthusiasm for redefining your relationship to alcohol may become diluted.
The trend is common across the health and wellness sector. reports that 80% of the New Years Resolutions crowd drops off by the second week of February. Meaning only 20% remain, and the rate of sign-ups tapers off by February.
Whether or not you need in a cold climate, the following tips can help you stay on track with your resolutions around your drinking.
Learn how to moderate.
Sounds simple, but it’s not necessarily.
Now is this time to set clear goals for yourself around alcohol moderation.
Let me repeat, clarity is key.
Set a reasonable goal for yourself, such as no more than 5 drinks a week, and no more than 2 drinks on any given night.
Decide to stick to it for a month, just as you would have tried to stick to the 31 days alcohol-free in the month of January.
The most common challenge I see when people try to moderate is that they are too vague with your goal and how they will achieve it, and that they give themselves too much wiggle room.
Moderation requires guidelines, just like abstaining from alcohol does. What will yours be?
Plan your alternatives.
What are you going to drink of alcohol or do instead of drinking?
We all know that restrictions suck, which is why yo-yo diets don’t work.
What delicious, yummy, fun, sexy (you fill in the blank) alternatives can you add into your life instead of booze?
You will only ever be successful at moderating alcohol if you figure out what alternatives work for you.
I’m talking both replacement drinks and activities.
For drinks: Avoid sugary alternatives and go for seltzer/mineral water spritzers will a splash of real fruit juice or a virgin mojito. For relaxing evening drinks, try homemade cocoa or aromatic or sleepy time tea.
For activities: Try exercise or social activities to start.
What about that new hip hop yoga class, a spin class, a romp around the park or a games night?
Planning alternative evening activities will not only help with your fitness and health goals and relieve stress, but will also help in the friend department, proving you really can have fun without alcohol.
Understand your triggers and how to manage them.
Are you someone who drinks to gain confidence? To feel free-spirited? To get crazy? To release stress? When you are alone and overwhelmed with your thoughts?
Once you learn a bit more about your triggers, you need to start investigating other ways to “feel and deal.”
The options are so varied, it would be impossible to go into them all here.
You might decide to make a rule for yourself to not drink on days you are noticing your triggers, until you get a handle on what to do instead.
Otherwise, it could be a slippery slope into drunkenness again.
Plan your AFDs (Alcohol-Free Days).
Make sure you have more days during the week (at least four) when you aren’t drinking.
This gives your liver a break and forces you to implement the first three points above.
Plan these days in advance, and put them in your calendar.
Set reminders on your phone, and include motivational words as to why you don’t need alcohol today.
This will reduce the likelihood of an “oops I forgot I wasn’t supposed to drink today” moment.
Try to make one of your AFDs a weekend night to prevent any temptation of weekend binges.
AFDs help break the mindless habit of ordering a drink as the first you thing you do at a restaurant or at the bar, or heading for the fridge the first thing you as you walk in the door at home.
Shake up your routine and bring more mindfulness into your day.
One of my clients came up with the acronym AFD, and I absolutely love it!
Start a bedtime routine.
That’s right; a bedtime routine isn’t just for babies — and the adult version doesn’t include drinking out of a bottle!
The point is to find alternatives to alcohol to help wind down before bed.
As Dr Oz writes in his healthy drinking guidelines a 2013 analysis of more than 30 studies found that consuming two or more drinks during the two hours before bed decreased the amount of REM sleep.
Even though you might feel like you are falling asleep more quickly after a nightcap, the quality of your sleep will be reduced.
Instead of alcohol, try a cup of soothing tea, run a hot bath, do some stretching or a guided meditation and for the love of deep sleep, put your phone on airplane mode and stop scrolling.
Do these things, and I promise you will start reveling in the benefits of sweet beauty sleep, without resorting to counting sheep. Having a good night's sleep is essential for waking up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the next day, which will in turn help you end your day with ease and without feeling the need for alcohol.
These are a few of the strategies that will help you redefine your relationship to alcohol through the entire year. As always, change is easier within a support system. Do not hesitate to reach out if you feel you’d like added support. I mean it! I love you to comment below.
Holiday Thrive Guide
For the Americans, Thanksgiving is just a couple of days away. For everyone else, this guide will serve as preparation for the rapidly approaching holiday season... which comes with work parties, celebrations, family feasts and ramped-up drinking which can not only challenge your limits but can also hurt your heart.
Wait, what?
Yes, you read that correctly. Holiday Heart Syndrome, a term coined in 1978, is a condition brought on by overindulging in alcohol, salty and fatty foods, caffeine and stress, causing a short circuit in the heart’s electrical rhythms, typically in healthy people without a history of heart disease.
The opportunities for excess and stress are plentiful, and this guide will help you navigate the holidays with more ease.
Set your intentions
How do you want to feel during the holidays? At that potentially-triggering family gathering or work party? How do you want to feel after the holidays?
Get crystal clear on this image, and then work backwards. In order to feel and embody those qualities, how much should you be drinking or eating? What kinds of drinks, foods or substances should you avoid altogether? How many drinks (if any) will allow you to follow through on your intentions? Create a plan and write it down.
Plan your alternatives
It’s one thing to say “I don’t want to drink as much this year” or “I’m not going to eat the whole pie or my weight in candied yams (my personal fav)” but without alternatives in place, these intentions can fall short.
What tasty non-alcoholic drink can you bring instead? Now’s the time to search recipes and stock up on ingredients. Same goes for healthy treats. Bringing healthier alternatives with you to a party or event can ensure that you will have options on hand. *See below for some of my favs.
Start your day the healthy way
Try to stick to your morning routine as much as possible. For me, when things get busy and the season of temptation is in full-force, I know that realistically I’m not going to be eating 100% healthy all the time. And that’s okay. What makes me feel even more awesome is when I’ve started my day with my water and lemon juice, green tea and then green juice or green smoothie ritual.
During the holiday season I make an extra effort to stick to my morning routine. It eases my mind to know that I’ve started my day giving my body a boost of vitamins, minerals and alkalizing foods.
Arrive and assess
When you first arrive at the dinner party or holiday event, do a quick survey. What are the healthy alternatives? What beverages are on hand that are not alcoholic? Go ahead and pour yourself one of those first (or the one you brought). Think about what you will enjoy eating a little later on. When you are hungry, make yourself a plate. Remember, eating will also help you stick to your intentions around your alcohol consumption.
Allow yourself to indulge
While sticking to your intentions is important - so is giving yourself permission to indulge. You deserve it!! Deprivation is no fun, and is likely to cause bingeing behaviours or for your to unnecessarily beat yourself up. Tis the season, so make sure you enjoy it, mindfully.
Avoid stress
Yeah, the holidays can be stressful, no doubt about it. Family or work obligations, expectations from our significant others, temptations left right and center, the list goes on.
Take stock of your stress management techniques and start practicing self care, now. Book a massage, have relaxing baths, listen to a guided meditation to unwind or prepare for an event - in one word: chill. You deserve it and it’s an essential component of your holiday thrive guide.
Also - consider doing something totally revolutionary and politely declining any invitation that doesn’t make you feel more than awesome. Is it really worth it to attend every single event, especially if it’s likely to derail your wellness plan, or your mental health?
What is your favourite strategy for thriving during the holidays? I’d love to know. I’ll be updating this Holiday Thrive Guide as the season progresses and would love to shout out your favourite tip!
Some of my favourite healthy alternatives:
Drinks: play on holiday themed flavour combinations such as cranberry, apple, pumpkin pie, ginger and more. For a collection of easy and amazing cold and hot holiday drinks, click here for Martha Stewart’s favourites.
Hummus offers healthy fats and protein and can keep you full longer.
Roasted vegetables cut lengthwise can be a great snack to bring and can also accompany the hummus.
“Candied” carrots, yams or sweet potatoes can be made with a small amount of maple syrup and butter (these vegetables are already sweet and a little sweetener goes a long way). These root vegetables have a grounding effect and the slow release complex carbs will help you feel full longer, and won’t cause your blood sugar to spike.
Pro tip - studies have shown that cinnamon can help reduce glucose in the blood and prevent those spikes in blood sugar. Adding some of this lovely spice to your holiday food or drink will help steady the possible yo-yo effect that comes from too much sugar or alcohol, reducing cravings and crashing.