This Woman (And Her Gifts) Changed My Life

Dear reader,
Have you ever had one of those “pinch me” moments - when you realize just how far you’ve come in a short amount of time?
I had one last week, when I was about to take the stage at an event called Practical Magic Live, in San Antonio Texas.

I was transported back in time to exactly a year prior, when I had the opportunity to share my story on a media panel at an event organized by Selena Soo in New York City. It was the first time I had shared my story out loud.
Sure, I’d been writing my blog consistently and had recently published my book, but to get up on stage and speak the truth of my experiences was a whole other level of vulnerability.
It was such a scary thought that I might not have said yes to the opportunity if I hadn’t already known and trusted Selena so deeply.
Selena is my publicity mentor. But she is also so much more than that. She constantly inspires me as an entrepreneur, business strategist and most importantly, as an incredibly kind, intuitive, generous and compassionate person.
The growth I have experienced as a result of her programs and learning from way she lives her life and handles her business has completely transformed my life.
That’s what hit me last week as I confidently took the stage to share my story as an invited featured speaker.
This week, Selena released a series of value-packed FREE resources, including a case study of yours truly!!
With her guidance, I was able to turn an initial “no” to my pitch to FORBES into a YES - which was another incredibly publicity win for me last year. You can read the entire interaction here.
Selena’s been endorsed by industry leaders like Marie Forleo and Danielle LaPorte. Early into her business, Ramit Sethi gave her a big guest post opportunity, which has led to over $100,000 in new business.
You might be thinking, “That could never happen to me!” I hear you! - and I used to feel the same way!!
But what you might not know about Selena is that she struggled when she first got started.
As an introvert, she was afraid to put herself out there. She also didn't have any clients or traditional credibility.
If you’re curious, I invite you to check out her special training...
"Get VIP Access to Media, Influencers, and Online Stars."
You’ll learn how to connect and become friends with “out of reach” people, who can give you the publicity opportunities of a lifetime.
You’ll also learn how to get highly coveted endorsements, positioning you as a leader in your industry.

I've been watching this free video and taking a TON of notes. Whether or not you are a business owner or entrepreneur, there’s a ton of gold in here about how to relate to those people who you aspire to connect with but seem out of reach.
I encourage you to dive into these free resources while she has them available and look forward to hearing your favourite takeaways in the comments below!!!
Have an amazing weekend!

Brain Summit
Happy Monday !!
I have a question for you.
It might be one that you don't want to answer, but it's an important one nonetheless.
Do you ever wonder how healthy your brain is?
Or what damaged may have been caused by all of the drinking?
I know this what something that weighed heavily on me for years. All the blackouts, missed memories, brain cells flushed down the drain... it used to cause me a lot of stress and anxiety thinking about how much I may have messed up my brain.
Now, I've worked hard over the years to literally chance my mindset AND my mental health. A big part of that is getting informed and learning what I can do to improve my mental health - by what I eat, how well I sleep, what kind of thoughts I have, and more.
Taking action helps me feel empowered that I can control my current mental wellness and even reverse the effects of previous damage.
That's why I'm absolutely thrilled to be joining 30 other expects in brain performance and health for the first ever Female Brain Summit. The online event is completely free for you and packed with amazing info. The event starts today and interviews will be rolling out between now and the 10th. You don't want to miss this valuable content!

I also wanted to let you know about an amazing conversation I had with my friend Christine Hansen, who is the creator of "Sleep like a Boss" podcast.
I share a lot that I haven't shared on a podcast before, like how I was dependent on sleeping pills and using some in same dangerous combination as Heath Ledger when he died, how I used to brag about how little I slept (and why I find that totally unattractive now), and how it takes a lot of faith to create your "new normal."

This is also a topic that totally relates to your brain health - so why don't you start October with a bang and focus on your brain!! I can't wait to hear what you think of the summit and the podcast.

Top 5 lessons learned
Happy weekend!
As you may have read in Monday's update, It's been three years since I stopped drinking to get drunk, to escape, disappear, numb out, etc...
Yesterday I recorded a video call that highlight's the top 5 lessons learned from my last 3 years, and they might come as a surprise to you.
Topics I cover include:
- Why I couldn't make any significant change until I created a positive vision for myself
- How mindfulness begets mindlessness (aka why you first need to think more in order to not have to think about alcohol so much in the future)
- It gets harder before it gets easier!! (something that definitely came as a shocker to me)
- Why truly facing the fear is so completely freeing
- I could never have done this alone (and neither should you)
- A special invitation for YOU
The video is only 35 minutes long, and I recommend you watch the whole thing for the lessons I learned along this journey, but in case you are dying to know that the special invitation is - drumroll please....
We are launching our first official Drink Less Be More Group Program!!
I am SO excited.
The reviews from the participants beta course in the spring were amazing, and we all learned a lot.
We've been incorporating the feedback and fine-tuning to make a super valuable, high impact, actionable, and incredibly supportive 6 week program, which will launch in the beginning of November.
As we are putting the finishing touches on the program, I want to hear from YOU!
Are you interested in joining a group program? If yes, what would you like to experience or learn from a group program? What kind of support or information would be helpful to you?
It would be amazing if you could reply to this email and let me know!! I'm really looking forward to your feedback.

It's Not Too Late September Reset
If you had a hard time getting caught up after Labour day, don't worry, you're not the only one!
I get it - sometimes it's a little hard to shake summer (if it was indeed summer where you are) and fully embrace the new season.
You may have been focusing others, like getting the kids back to school, or catching up on work obligations.
Fear not! It's NEVER too late to start.
You can reset the rest of the year, starting NOW. That's right, do it today. There's great energy happening over the in the Facebook group. I recorded a video on the 3-step process we've talked about this week to help you powerfully reset and supercharge the next month (and beyond)!
This 15-minute video covers how to:
- Set clear and positive intentions that help identify your purpose for wanting to make a change
- Creating 3-5 actions specific to the intention to start shifting habits and creating new ones
- What you can add-in to ensure success and make this time of transition as enjoyable as possible.
Take the time to watch this short video and do the work. Bonus points for writing down the prompts and then scheduling the actions in your calendar because remember, if it's not written down and scheduled, it doesn't exist ;)

If you'd like to reply to this email and let me know what your intentions and actions are, or if you have any questions, I'd be happy to read and answer. If you'd like the added accountability of the secret Facebook group, let me know!
Cheers to a supercharged and transformative September :)

Corporate Queen
Yesterday was the last class of the Drink Less Be More Masterclass (my new, signature group program - don't worry if you missed it, it will be offered again in September!)
We spent a good portion of the class talking about the idea of PERMISSION.
For many of us, we use alcohol to give ourselves permission.
Permission to relax, do nothing, be playful, indulge, forget out responsibilities for the evening, turn off our busy brains, enjoy, be naughty, prioritize pleasure... you fill in the blank.
I used to feel guilty taking time off, reading trashy magazines just because, watching something that wasn't educational or focused on self-development, eat carbs or fat (this was before I learned that neither of these things are evil). I used to push myself so hard that I needed to literally black out or lose myself to alcohol to turn off or unwind, or I'd go home to visit my family and fall over sick and burnt out.
A large part of learning to redefine your relationship to alcohol and Drink Less in the long-term is learning how to give yourself permission to __________ (again, you fill in the blank) WITHOUT alcohol!
This is such an important topic and one that I was so grateful to have the opportunity to discuss with Meg Sullivan, of Whole Foods Love. The interview is part of an online summit called Slim and Chic Corporate Queen - and the themes we covered are so relevant to everyone who is a part of this community (whether you are in corporate or not)!
We also talked about:
- How prevalent is it that women drink to wind down
- Making the mental shift to take care of ourselves
- The physiological side of alcohol and the effects that it has on the body
- Strategies for accountability with this sensitive subject
The interview airs this Sunday, June 5th! Make sure to sign up here to be able to listen. You will also have access to 25+ other experts as part of this virtual summit who sharing their wisdom and experience to support women like you to reach their health and wellness goals.

Discover tips, tricks and strategies that will show you how to:
Drop those extra 20 lbs you’ve been wanting to lose for as long as you can remember.
Survive the unpredictable ups and downs of corporate life and still stay happily on track with your life and health goals.
Improve the quality of your sleep so you wake feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day each morning.
Make the best food choice possible, whatever situation you find yourself in.
Carve much needed time out of your schedule for your own self-care.
Create space in your life for things you love doing “just because”.
It is so important for me to see women THRIVE in ALL aspects of their lives, not only by redefining their relationship to alcohol. That is why I am so honoured to have been included in this summit and that I have these tickets to share with you so that you can holistically make changes to your lifestyle while also continuing to get a handle on the alcohol.
Make sure to sign up asap so that you don't miss this weekend's interview. I also want to know - what is one way (in addition to signing up for this summit and listening to the value-packed interviews) that you can give yourself permission (without needing alcohol to do so) this weekend? Make sure to reply to this email and let me know. Why? Because I really do want to know! AND writing it out is a good first step for making it a reality!
Badass And Bare
Hey - it's juicy Tuesday !!
(Funny story, I used to claim the day as "Trashy Tuesdays" because when I went out to party on Tuesdays it showed how "hard-core" I was and somehow owning my trashiness was like a of badge of honour... or maybe a defence mechanism? But that's a story for another day ;)
I am so thrilled to share my latest podcast interview with the ladies from Badass and Bare.
I met Katie Corcoran after semi-stalking her Instagram (she's also grad of the same health coaching program I attended) and we became fast friends. So much so that she invited me to stay her place in Brooklyn even though we'd never met in person! I then met Andrea Hood, the co-creator and co-host of Badass & Bare while she was attending one of the same events I was attending in NYC, and we all bonded. (FYI - their podcast was listed as "New and Noteworthy" by iTunes shortly after launching!)
One, two skip and few and here we are with this amazing episode!

We had an amazing conversation that spans the following topics:
The distinction between habitual use with alcohol vs. addiction
How to re-define your relationship with alcohol
TIPS for delicious (& easy!) alternatives for alcohol (even when you’re out on the town!)
How you can still be a PARTY GIRL without the booze
Why SELF-CARE is key for having a healthy relationship with alcohol
How-to change your PREGAME when getting ready to go out
I'm looking forward to hearing your top takeaways from this episode. Let the ladies at B&B what you think of the episode -they'll appreciate the comments and ratings! And finally, please share this with other badasses in your life who would love this convo.

Leading Greatly Podcast, Live Tv, Memorial Day Mocktails
A lot happening over here at the Drink Less Be More HQ!! I've just arrived back to Mexico after a whirlwind media tour of the North East. I definitely packed more onto my plate than I probably "should" have (trying to take advantage of the week away - and there will be most exciting updates coming soon!) though unfortunately I over-extended myself and got sick somewhere between NYC and Pittsburgh.
Thankfully, I am surrounded by the most amazing healers and coaches who took great care of me along the way. I am also so much better at taking care of myself! What would have surely turned into a lung infection and knocked me out in the past passed in only a few days with the help of extra sleep, oregano oil, zinc, tons of vitamins and fresh juices, and oodles of self-love and compassion.
I wanted to share several highlights from last week with you - for your listening, viewing, reading and tasting pleasure! Below you will find my most recent article on Mind Body Green with some of my favourite summer cocktails and a podcast interview with the wonderful ladies at Leading Greatly.
Here is the clip from my live morning television appearance talking about Drink Less Be More and alternatives to alcohol. Enjoy!!


MBG Article And One Voice
Happy Wednesday !!
I'm in your inbox a couple of days early because I couldn't wait to share these two goodies that went live today. The first is a podcast interview with my friend Tina Bangel, who is a vocal coach from Australia. I LOVED this interview because we delved into the really interesting terrain of creativity and alcohol.

Here is what we talk about:
What are strategies that creative people can tap into their “zone” without having to turn to alcohol?
How to deal with friends or letting go of people that don’t serve your purpose in life, what would you say to someone who is afraid to let go of what they know and who they know?
Dialog that people can use at the work place or events so they can feel comfortable in situations where they are encouraged to drink?
There are people who use alcohol to unwind after work or a gig, what I suggest for people to do when they have the urge to use alcohol.
What is the song that changed my life and why?
The second resource I want to share with you is my most recent article on Mind Body Green. In this article, I offer my best tips for thriving without/with less alcohol when you are in triggering situations or out of your normal routine. This article is particularly helpful if you have a trip coming up or travel regularly for work, however the tips can be useful any time. As always, please share the article with anyone who might benefit from this article, and on social media! And, I'd love to hear which tip you are going to try or if there are others that you have used with success (I'm always happy to learn new tricks)! Hit reply and let me know :)

Success Interview
Hello beautiful!
I thought you might enjoy this 26-minute video interview I did with Monica Aparicio, the Founder of the Lifestyle Lounge and upcoming Sustainable Success event that I will be speaking at in NYC.
Monica and I met when I attended a networking event the last time I was in New York. A self-professed former party-girl, Monica immediately "got" the message of my book. She opened up about how coordinating happy-hour styled wellness events was her way of satisfying her outgoing nature while still making healthier choices for herself. We immediately knew that we have been meant to meet and collaborate and I am so thrilled about both this conversation AND the fact that I will be featured as a panelist at her upcoming event in NYC.
I loved this interview because we were able to get to a theme that goes deeper then the strategies and tips around drinking less. We were able to talk about what happens when you dramatically redefine your relationship to alcohol... you make more of yourself available! More intuition, more inner knowing, more inspiration, more feelings, more presence for yourself and those around you.
You live more LIFE ... undiluted. I'd love to hear what you think about this video and how have you noticed the "more of you" theme in your life. Or, if you are not quite there yet - which parts of yourself do you desire to have more access to once you are able to redefine your relationship to alcohol?
If you'd like to know more about the event in New York or know someone who would love to go, all of the information is here.