Hi there,
Alcohol isn’t the only reason women come to me for support.
Often, they are also struggling with their weight, feeling as though there is never enough time, over-working and under-sleeping, prioritizing other’s needs instead of their own.
Does any of this sound familiar?
And while I do my best as a holistic coach to support my clients with these overlapping issues, I can’t be all things to all people!
That is why I am so excited to have been invited to participate in an amazing online event that launches TODAY!
This value-packed virtual summit promises to be a real game-changer for busy professional women who always put their work ahead of their own wants and needs.
I’ve been invited to join an already amazing lineup of experts who are coming together to share their knowledge and expertise, and help women like you achieve their life and wellness goals.
Best of all?
I have a stack of tickets to give away and I’d love for you to have one! Grab your ticket here.
The Slim & Chic Corporate Queen Summit is for you if:
Your work has become the number one priority in your life.
You’re always on the go, from the moment you open your eyes and reach for your phone, to the moment you fall asleep with it in your hand at night.
You’ve convinced yourself you just don’t need as much sleep as other people do – at least, that’s what you tell your mom when she calls.
Your busy schedule of back-to-back meetings regularly gets in the way of you eating anything — until mid-afternoon that is, when you cram as much sugar into your body as possible before you fall over.
Sticking to a healthy diet and exercising right feels next to impossible for you when you’re living out of a suit-carrier in a hotel for a few nights every week.
You only ever open one closet door when you get dressed, because you know that the back of the closet is filled with outfits that no longer fit, thanks to those extra 20lbs you can’t seem to shift.
You’re sick of going to dinner parties, weddings and family functions alone, yet you never seem to have the time or energy to invest in finding your soulmate.
You’ve lost count of the amount of times you’ve cancelled dinner or drink dates because the outfit you were planning on wearing didn’t fit and you had nothing else to wear.
Between over-promising and saying “yes” at work when you really want to say “no”, you have no time to do the things that have been on your Life List for years now.
You’re aware you’re getting older and know you can’t keep putting others’ wants and needs ahead of your own if you’re going to live your best life.
Since we’ve been in each other’s worlds for a while now, I’m positive you know that I want nothing more than to see women like you thrive in every aspect of their lives, not just getting control over alcohol.
That’s where The Slim & Chic Corporate Queen Summit comes in.
With over 25 guest speakers already confirmed and ready to reveal their best tips to help you drop any excess weight you may be carrying, reclaim your time, and banish that feeling of burnout, this event promises to be a complete game-changer!
Discover tips, tricks and strategies that will show you how to:
Drop those extra 20 lbs you’ve been wanting to lose for as long as you can remember.
Survive the unpredictable ups and downs of corporate/professional life and still stay happily on track with your life and health goals.
Improve the quality of your sleep so you wake feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day each morning.
Make the best food choice possible, whatever situation you find yourself in.
Carve much needed time out of your schedule for your own self-care.
Create space in your life for things you love doing “just because”.
If you’ve been waiting for permission to focus on what you want and need for a change, consider it granted.
Don’t let another year of forgotten New Year’s Resolutions pass you by! You still have time to make them a reality in 2016!
Grab your FREE ticket for The Slim & Chic Corporate Queen Summit and take another important step in moving your life forward with intention.
See you there!