Summer’s in full swing! (Unless you are one of my Australian/NZ readers, in which case I hope you’re having an amazing winter break!)

Either way, I hope this season brings some time for yourself, to slow down and, be present and connect.

If you do find yourself with a bit of extra time, I wanted to share my latest article with you: Is dating better without the booze? We asked the experts. 

I was super excited when my editor from Mind Body Green reached out to me with this as a story idea. Whether you are currently single and dating, or not, I believe this article is really important.


Because it talks about something we all crave but often struggle with – authentic connection. So whether that’s connecting on a date, or connecting in any social environment, or at work function, many of the principles are the same.

Being asked to contribute to this article also gave me the nudge I needed to finally ignite a project that has been on the back burner for a while, so to speak.

Can you guess which one of the chapters of my book has been the most popular?

Chapter 8!! The one all about sober dating and sober SEX. Many people have told me they’d like to see this chapter turn into an entire book!

So my dear – things are aligning for this desire to come to fruition.

Of course – I’d love to hear from YOU – if you could have any question answered, on the topic of dating, sex, relationships, communicating with your partner, etc etc… What would it be?

In other news, I had an incredible conversation awhile back with Veronica Ebu-Isaac, for her podcast Live Your Happy. Then, with the end of school year activities and getting ready to move houses and countries for the summer, I forgot to share it with you!

The overall theme of the conversation is about finding your own path (apt for what we do here at Redefining Sobriety, of course) but we covered a whole bunch, including:

How can you choose what works for you regardless of others expectations?

What does it mean to re-define sobriety?

What powerful question can help you let go of what happened in the past?

What is radical self-care/self-love and how can you practically apply it to your life?

What magical universe would I like to create for my young daughter Luna?

What is my special mantra this year?

And more!!

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this special podcast!

Finally, I thought I’d share an article that I wrote a couple of summers ago titled 7 easy ways to keep your summer boozing in check. The title is pretty self-explanatory so I’ll leave you with that – but I’d love to hear which tip you’ll be implementing or if there’s another strategy that you’d like to share!