Last week was intense, I’m not going to lie.
I spoke with clients, friends, family and community members around the world and all were feeling the effects of a brutal and emotional election campaign, whether they are American or not.
The silver lining for me has shown up in several ways.
One, I feel that the results of the election have galvanized my desire and deep-seated drive to show up, every day, and help make the world a better place – especially for women and minority groups.
Two, I felt deep gratitude for the love I have in my life.
Three, one of my dear friends and colleagues arrived the day of the election. She’s Canadian, a mother of three, a yoga and fitness teacher and the owner of the studio where I used to teach dance and barre method classes in my hometown.
She came to Puerto Escondido for 5 days so that we could connect and do immersive planning for the experience we are hosting in March.
I kept feeling that the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.
It was so hopeful and healing to spend our days doing the excursions, visiting secluded pristine beaches, feeling the energy of the luxury house where we will be staying, eating the most delicious food, planning out classes and workshops, and perhaps the most meaningful: mapping out what LUCIR means to us and the women who will be joining us.
Lucir: to illuminate
To brighten with light; light up; make lucid or clear; to decorate with lights, as in celebration; to enlighten, as with knowledge; to make resplendent or illustrious.
Now, is is as important as ever to come together as women.
It is a radical act to take care of yourself, to invest in yourself, to lavish love on yourself, to put yourself first.
It is an act of revolution to choose a different reality.
It is an act of liberation to go deep, uncover the darkness in order to truly let your light shine.
This is the life-changing experience of Lucir.

This is the invitation we have for you – to join us in my adopted hometown of Puerto Escondido, Mexico, at a luxury eco-villa with 12 other women, in March 2017.
You can read all about Lucir here.
We have a very special early bird discount of 15% off available between now and December 1st. (The prices are in CANADIAN and will the the current exchange rates, this really is an amazing deal. We want to make this accessible to our communities of sisters and also have payment plans available.)
If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to email me at [email protected]
I can’t wait to share my favourite place on earth with you!!