Happy weekend!
As you may have read in Monday’s update, It’s been three years since I stopped drinking to get drunk, to escape, disappear, numb out, etc…
Yesterday I recorded a video call that highlight’s the top 5 lessons learned from my last 3 years, and they might come as a surprise to you.
Topics I cover include:
– Why I couldn’t make any significant change until I created a positive vision for myself
– How mindfulness begets mindlessness (aka why you first need to think more in order to not have to think about alcohol so much in the future)
– It gets harder before it gets easier!! (something that definitely came as a shocker to me)
– Why truly facing the fear is so completely freeing
– I could never have done this alone (and neither should you)
– A special invitation for YOU
The video is only 35 minutes long, and I recommend you watch the whole thing for the lessons I learned along this journey, but in case you are dying to know that the special invitation is – drumroll please….
We are launching our first official Drink Less Be More Group Program!!
I am SO excited.
The reviews from the participants beta course in the spring were amazing, and we all learned a lot.
We’ve been incorporating the feedback and fine-tuning to make a super valuable, high impact, actionable, and incredibly supportive 6 week program, which will launch in the beginning of November.
As we are putting the finishing touches on the program, I want to hear from YOU!
Are you interested in joining a group program? If yes, what would you like to experience or learn from a group program? What kind of support or information would be helpful to you?
It would be amazing if you could reply to this email and let me know!! I’m really looking forward to your feedback.