Hello my dear,
Can you believe it’s FEBRUARY already??
Wow – it feels like the last month flew by.
I’ve just returned back from Fort Worth, Texas – where I spoke at an event called Infinite Receiving Live. It was probably one of the most life-changing experiences of my life – a cracked wide open, raw, empowering and loving event that brought together 100+ women to celebrate and support each other and open ourselves up to receive.
I will be writing more about this soon – and sharing the main take aways and also the content of my speech -where I shared never before shared details of my story and what it has taken for me to HERE, where I am today.
I also had the opportunity to hear world-class speakers, including “The Jason Goldberg,” a transformational leader who also happened to open for Wu Tang Clan, is the co-creator of an internet show called the “Not So Serious Life” and whose recently published book, Prison Break, is an international best seller. He’s an amazing person and had soooooo much wisdom to share.
One thought in particularly stuck with me, and it’s one that I’ve already shared with some of my clients.
It’s this idea that many of us are living in a snow globe, desperately trying to catch snowflakes. But the snow globe is shaken up, because of the pace of our lives, and the snowflakes are perpetually swirling around.

How easy it is to catch a snowflake in this environment?
Not so easy, right?
Imagine this snowflake is a metaphor for inner peace, or a great idea, or freedom from anxiety, or a more meaningful connection with someone…
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
However, what if you were able to stop for a minute. Slow down. Allow those snowflakes to settle. What would happen then?
Sometimes we are afraid of this stillness. I know I was for a long time. My conditioned “run or numb” response meant that I was all go go go until I just couldn’t (either collapsing sick) or would turn off with alcohol.
Yet if we can slow down and welcome the quiet, the pause, the stillness… it suddenly becomes so much easier to pick up that snowflake.
In what areas of your life can you create stillness in the snow globe?
I’ll give you one very tangible example that recently came up for me.
I have a workout class that I like to go to 3 days a week. I was convinced I needed to do the 8:30am class, because then I could get to the office earlier after my training.
However, mornings were always a rush, even if I prepped clothes and smoothies and lunches the day before – we still had to rush to get Luna ready for daycare, drive across town to drop me off, then back to the other side of town for Luna’s daycare, as we only have one vehicle. A couple of months ago, I slammed my finger in the car door on one such frazzled morning. Last week, I spilled my coffee all over myself and my computer bag. My laptop is being sent to visit the Mac specialists as it now won’t turn on…
Unfortunately it took these two events to make me realized that I was created in a veritable blizzard in the mornings.
By changing the time of my workout to an hour later, I could slow down that snowstorm and start my days with calm and focus.
I love participating in events such as the one I just attended in Fort Worth because I receive so much inspiration from the other speakers and participants. ALL OF THIS is transmuted into my 1-1 coaching and my clients become the recipients of that knowledge as well. (If I am addicted to anything these days, it would be personal grown and self development.)
On that note, I have 3 spots opening up for private coaching. Once these are filled, I won’t have more spots available for at least another 3 months.
If you’d like additional support to start this new year strong, now is the time to set up a time to talk to me about 1-1 coaching.
Here is what one of my recent clients said about our time together:
“After first being witness to Caitlin’s awesomeness through her Drink Less Be More Masterclass, I decided to do a 3 month life coaching program with her. I felt a little stuck in a few areas of my life and hoped Caitlin could provide the support and guidance to help me move forward and get “unstuck”. Some areas related to my change in my relationship with alcohol, but it was other areas in my life as well. With Caitlin’s help, support and guidance I made huge steps forward with my self-awareness, self-trust and self-love. Caitlin gave me practical tools and exercises I used and practiced to help me uncover a few things that have been holding me back and allowed me to see a more positive perspective on things and be excited for my life. I looked forward to our bi-weekly calls and knew she would provide a caring ear to listen and a loving voice to provide support and guidance. And sometimes that’s all you need. If you are ready to show up for yourself, Caitlin is ready to show up for you.” – KJ

I also wanted to let you know that there are only 3 spots left for our incredible, transformative, habit-changing, spark-inducing retreat called Lucir (which literally means to shine or illuminate in Spanish).
If you want a powerful tool for calming the storm in the snowglobe, giving yourself a reset experience like this is a fast-track way to ignite big change in your life.
Having just left an event where profound breakthroughs happened and lifelong friendships were forged in just 2.5 days, imagine what can happen with a whole week together.
If you have any questions about the retreat (which is happening March 14-21)- please comment on this blog or send me a message asap.
If you’d like to set up a time to talk about 1-1 coaching, please book your time here.Remember, once these spots are filled, I won’t be taking on new clients until April (at least).
I can’t wait to connect with you more!