Dear reader,
Have you ever had one of those “pinch me” moments – when you realize just how far you’ve come in a short amount of time?
I had one last week, when I was about to take the stage at an event called Practical Magic Live, in San Antonio Texas.

I was transported back in time to exactly a year prior, when I had the opportunity to share my story on a media panel at an event organized by Selena Soo in New York City. It was the first time I had shared my story out loud.
Sure, I’d been writing my blog consistently and had recently published my book, but to get up on stage and speak the truth of my experiences was a whole other level of vulnerability.
It was such a scary thought that I might not have said yes to the opportunity if I hadn’t already known and trusted Selena so deeply.
Selena is my publicity mentor. But she is also so much more than that. She constantly inspires me as an entrepreneur, business strategist and most importantly, as an incredibly kind, intuitive, generous and compassionate person.
The growth I have experienced as a result of her programs and learning from way she lives her life and handles her business has completely transformed my life.
That’s what hit me last week as I confidently took the stage to share my story as an invited featured speaker.
This week, Selena released a series of value-packed FREE resources, including a case study of yours truly!!
With her guidance, I was able to turn an initial “no” to my pitch to FORBES into a YES – which was another incredibly publicity win for me last year. You can read the entire interaction here.
Selena’s been endorsed by industry leaders like Marie Forleo and Danielle LaPorte. Early into her business, Ramit Sethi gave her a big guest post opportunity, which has led to over $100,000 in new business.
You might be thinking, “That could never happen to me!” I hear you! – and I used to feel the same way!!
But what you might not know about Selena is that she struggled when she first got started.
As an introvert, she was afraid to put herself out there. She also didn’t have any clients or traditional credibility.
If you’re curious, I invite you to check out her special training…
“Get VIP Access to Media, Influencers, and Online Stars.”
You’ll learn how to connect and become friends with “out of reach” people, who can give you the publicity opportunities of a lifetime.
You’ll also learn how to get highly coveted endorsements, positioning you as a leader in your industry.

I’ve been watching this free video and taking a TON of notes. Whether or not you are a business owner or entrepreneur, there’s a ton of gold in here about how to relate to those people who you aspire to connect with but seem out of reach.
I encourage you to dive into these free resources while she has them available and look forward to hearing your favourite takeaways in the comments below!!!
Have an amazing weekend!