Top 5 lessons learned
Happy weekend!
As you may have read in Monday's update, It's been three years since I stopped drinking to get drunk, to escape, disappear, numb out, etc...
Yesterday I recorded a video call that highlight's the top 5 lessons learned from my last 3 years, and they might come as a surprise to you.
Topics I cover include:
- Why I couldn't make any significant change until I created a positive vision for myself
- How mindfulness begets mindlessness (aka why you first need to think more in order to not have to think about alcohol so much in the future)
- It gets harder before it gets easier!! (something that definitely came as a shocker to me)
- Why truly facing the fear is so completely freeing
- I could never have done this alone (and neither should you)
- A special invitation for YOU
The video is only 35 minutes long, and I recommend you watch the whole thing for the lessons I learned along this journey, but in case you are dying to know that the special invitation is - drumroll please....
We are launching our first official Drink Less Be More Group Program!!
I am SO excited.
The reviews from the participants beta course in the spring were amazing, and we all learned a lot.
We've been incorporating the feedback and fine-tuning to make a super valuable, high impact, actionable, and incredibly supportive 6 week program, which will launch in the beginning of November.
As we are putting the finishing touches on the program, I want to hear from YOU!
Are you interested in joining a group program? If yes, what would you like to experience or learn from a group program? What kind of support or information would be helpful to you?
It would be amazing if you could reply to this email and let me know!! I'm really looking forward to your feedback.

Last week's scary shit.
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you’ll know what a significant week last week was for me.
It marked my 3 year anniversary of “not getting drunk” aka escaping into alcohol.
The actual 3 year anniversary passed me by and it wasn’t until 2 days later that I noticed the date. What is even more amazing and gratifying is that I didn’t notice the date because, well, I was just too busy living my life. I was on my way to a conference, packing up and getting ready to move back to Mexico (after an epic 24 hour journey, we arrived yesterday), spending last weekend in Vancouver with friends and family, and of course, coaching my amazing clients.
THAT is my life now. I don’t really need to sit around and count days or even years.
What matters to me is the QUALITY of life that I’m living and what has happened since I decided to stop numbing myself and escaping into alcohol.
Over the past 3 years I have learned what it means to become fully alive.
I have learned what true presence feels like.
I have experienced searing pain and had to confront the deepest darkest bits of myself that were conveniently hiding behind alcohol, yes.
But allowing myself to feel those lows has also opened me up to feel the most gratifying highs, to know joy like never before, and to finally be able to see myself fully and wholly and to learn to love myself.
Not getting drunk or numbing out has allowed myself to feel everything in exquisite detail. Interestingly, I enjoy that feeling so much more now that when I feel myself slipping into the slightly blurred beginning stages of intoxication.
As I looked around the room at this conference of 200+ female entrepreneurs, I was overcome with emotion.
I remember 5 years ago I won a scholarship to a similar event in New York City. I flew myself from Cambodia to New York City, excited about the possibilities of creating a new life for myself, and yet I felt like a fraud.
I had no idea what I was doing there and felt so far away from achieving the kind of confidence and clarity of purpose and passion that I saw in the room. I actually left each day alone… and went back to my rented apartment and cried. I didn’t really make new friends… I had no idea how to even introduce myself.
What I did do was fly back to Cambodia, where I gave my notice to the international organization for whom I was working, packed my bags, and then I flew myself back across the world to Mexico, ditching my sleeping pill dependency in the process… all with the seemingly simple idea that I was going to “get healthy” and start an online business.
I didn’t know what my life was going to look like.
I was scared.
But I learned (and have learned repeatedly) that leaning into that fear and that unknown is absolutely necessary for growth.
Many, many online courses, masterminds, coaching programs, certifications later, here I am.
Most importantly, of course, was the inner journey and what I learned along the way.
THAT is what allowed me to stand in front of 200+ people a few days ago and share parts of my story that I’ve never spoken allowed.
THAT is what allowed me to get up, stone cold sober, and sing karaoke on Thursday night even though singing in public is one of my greatest fears… way bigger than public speaking.
THAT is what allowed me to step into and through my fear, conquering another phobia by literally breaking an arrow while walking directly into it pressed against the softest part of my neck (you can see the video here).
I know that making changes can be scary for you too. THAT is why I want to be able to support you in any way I can. THAT is why I "do what I do."
To celebrate 3 years of not getting drunk, and to share the key lessons and strategies I’ve learned along the way so that you can feel supported as well, I would love to invite you to a special webinar this Thursday September 29th at 3pm PST/6pm EST.
Here is the call in info:
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,3058027632# or +16465588656,3058027632#
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 305 802 7632
International numbers available:
I will send another email in a couple of days but if you’re interested, make sure to go ahead and schedule it in your calendar because I won’t be sending a million reminders ;) There will be a recording if you can't make it live - though being live will give you the opportunity to ask me anything you'd like!
Looking forward to celebrating and connecting with you!

How to ride the resistance (or what you can learn when things don't flow)
I've been have asked about the retreat that was planned for this weekend and I realized that I hadn't yet publicly communicated the difficult decision my team and I recently made to put it on hold.
I even went to the venue last month and it was so incredible. I could visualize us there: the space was perfect, the beaches pristine, the sunsets stunning.
It was hard for me to let go of the plan. It was hard for me to accept that eventually I would have to write this update to you, going back on my word.
And yet, I was feeling HUGE resistance. It wasn’t flowing.
I wasn’t following up with those who were interested. Others who had expressed interest suddenly couldn’t attend for whatever reason. I wasn’t promoting the event as much as I needed to to fill the extra spots that had suddenly opened.
I needed to listen to the advice I was given by Lisa Nichols last month.
"A healthy no is as important a half-assed yes."
Or, as another coach friend of mine says, “If it’s not a HELL YES, then it’s a HELL NO.”
I have no doubt in my mind that this retreat in Canada will happen… now is not the right time.
I had to LEAN IN and understand what the resistance was about. Instead of beating myself up about it and forcing through, I learned from it.
As Danielle LaPorte writes:
“Resistance heightens your senses… But if you can embrace the resistance and use it to stay sharp, then you can bypass the swamp of self sabotage. Resistance = good. Self sabotage = bad, very bad.”
Instead of beating yourself for facing resistance, for things not working out exactly as you think they “should,” for procrastinating or feeling blocked or not flowing… ask yourself: “What is this really about?”
If it’s not flowing right NOW, it doesn’t mean it will NEVER. It might just mean not right now. Or, not like this.
By saying “not right now” to this month’s retreat, I was able to:
Focus on nurturing our Facebook community and prepping for Supercharge September… which also felt very aligned with my own need for self-care
Expanding and onboarding new members of the Drink Less Be More staff team
Redirect “retreat planning energy” towards co-creating a retreat planned for March 2017 in Mexico with a dear friend and colleague who lives in my hometown (more details coming very soon!)
Enjoy quality time with my Canadian family and friends before heading back to Mexico and spend more time with my daughter, who is in a challenging stage of her development
Better prepare and have more energy for attending a conference with 100 other empowered online entrepreneurs
Take days off over the weekend and early this week when I needed to prioritize my health
Sometimes, success comes from taking the counter-intuitive step to DO LESS instead of more.
How can you simplify your way to success? What might your resistance be telling you?
What can you say no to in order to create more expansiveness?

It's Not Too Late September Reset
If you had a hard time getting caught up after Labour day, don't worry, you're not the only one!
I get it - sometimes it's a little hard to shake summer (if it was indeed summer where you are) and fully embrace the new season.
You may have been focusing others, like getting the kids back to school, or catching up on work obligations.
Fear not! It's NEVER too late to start.
You can reset the rest of the year, starting NOW. That's right, do it today. There's great energy happening over the in the Facebook group. I recorded a video on the 3-step process we've talked about this week to help you powerfully reset and supercharge the next month (and beyond)!
This 15-minute video covers how to:
- Set clear and positive intentions that help identify your purpose for wanting to make a change
- Creating 3-5 actions specific to the intention to start shifting habits and creating new ones
- What you can add-in to ensure success and make this time of transition as enjoyable as possible.
Take the time to watch this short video and do the work. Bonus points for writing down the prompts and then scheduling the actions in your calendar because remember, if it's not written down and scheduled, it doesn't exist ;)

If you'd like to reply to this email and let me know what your intentions and actions are, or if you have any questions, I'd be happy to read and answer. If you'd like the added accountability of the secret Facebook group, let me know!
Cheers to a supercharged and transformative September :)

Will You Be Joining 21 Day Challenge?
Today we're kicking off the Supercharge September 21 day challenge - and dozens have joined already.
If you haven't, it might be time to ask yourself... why not?
Why don't I want to make September the new January - and start making the rest of the year as amazing as it can be!?
Why not press reset, right now, and start developing and imprinting the healthier habits that will take you through the rest of the year, and beyond!?
Tomorrow is the kick-off webinar and I'd love if you could join us live! A replay will be available, but only if you've joined the challenge.
All you need to do it hit reply to this email and let me know why you'd like to participate.
I also wanted to give you a heads up that I only have 1 spot available for 1-1 coaching! If you want to Supercharge September (and the rest of the year) but working privately is more your jam - then let's talk! Click here to schedule a time.